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Urgent analgo-sedation of a patient with polytrauma done by a basic medical emergency team in prehospital care

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Marcin Zieliński

2/2014/XLII s. 103–106
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Fraza do cytowania: Zieliński M. Urgent analgo-sedation of a patient with polytrauma done by a basic medical emergency team in prehospital care. Dental Forum. 2014;XLII(2):103–106.

Medical Rescue Teams during their daily work often face the need to analgo-sedate patients, the victims of road accidents. This is especially important in patients with cranial and brain trauma and is designed to prevent secondary damage to the brain. This procedure should begin as early as the prehospital phase at the scene or during transport to a Hospital Emergency Department. In the light of the Law on State Emergency Medical Teams, basic crews themselves cannot give drugs to provide urgent analgo-sedation and brain protection. The case describes a 65-year-old patient, a participant in a traffic accident, in whom the initial examination showed multiple traumatic injuries, of which injury to the chest and head trauma proved to be the most dangerous. During pre-hospital activities, due to a significant deterioration of the patient and the emergence of life-threatening symptoms, it was necessary to implement emergency rescue procedures. There was a pneumothorax, possible to decompress by members of the basic Medical Rescue Team, as well as increasing psychomotor agitation with indications for urgent analgo-sedation requiring the consent of a coordinating physician at the Crisis Management Centre. The coordinating doctor consented to the administration of Mannitol and Thiopental to protect the central nervous system (CNS) of the casualty. Neither drug is on the list of drugs that may be administered by paramedics alone. They must be authorised by a doctor, whose decision, in this case, undoubtedly contributed to increasing the chances of the patient's survival, safe delivery to a Hospital Emergency Department, transfer to the Department of Intensive Care Medicine, and the Department of Trauma Surgery.

Key words: polytrauma, analgo-sedation, Medical Rescue Team, Medical Coordinator, the Law on State Emergency Medical Services.

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