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Non‑invasive viscosity testing of unstimulated whole saliva in pregnant women – initial report

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Elżbieta Kubala, Danuta Lietz‑Kijak, Artur Perz, Tomasz Lipski, Paulina Strzelecka, Barbara Stępniak, Edward Kijak, Piotr Skomro, Marta Grzegocka, Łukasz Kopacz, Krystyna Lisiecka‑Opalko

2/2016/XLIV s. 23–28
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Fraza do cytowania: Kubala E., Lietz‑Kijak D., Perz A., Lipski T., Strzelecka P., Stępniak B., Kijak E., Skomro P., Grzegocka M., Kopacz Ł., Lisiecka‑Opalko K. Non‑invasive viscosity testing of unstimulated whole saliva in pregnant women – initial report. Dental Forum. 2016;XLIV(2):23–28. DOI:

Introduction. Pregnancy is a period of dynamic, physiological changes in a woman's body, happening under the influence of female sex hormones. Changes in the level of hormones in the body of a pregnant woman, changes in bacterial flora, metabolism, the body's immune response and diet can result in changes in the oral cavity. They include both hard and soft tissues and the secretion of salivary glands. During pregnancy women may experience changes in the concentrations of the organic and inorganic constituents of their saliva, which ensure the integrity of the oral cavity. The study assesses the saliva viscosity parameters in women. Material and methods. The test group comprised 21 women aged 22 to 40 years, in various stages of pregnancy. The study was carried out in the morning, a minimum of an hour since the last meal. Unstimulated saliva was collected. Analysis of the viscosity was carried out using a SALIMAT device. Results. The use of this prototype device to evaluate changes in the viscosity of saliva in pregnant women compared to a group of women who were not pregnant. The physical properties of the saliva are particularly important during pregnancy because of the hormonal changes occurring in the stomatognathic system. Diagnostics using the device are non invasive and safe for the patient and foetus.

Key words: pregnancy, saliva, oral diagnosis, stomatognathic system.

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