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Early prosthetic rehabilitation of a juvenile patient with hereditary ectodermal dysplasia – a case report

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Jakub Hadzik, Agnieszka Wasik, Barbara Bruziewicz-Mikłaszewska

2/2013/XLI s. 93–97
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Fraza do cytowania: Hadzik J., Wasik A., Bruziewicz-Mikłaszewska B. Early prosthetic rehabilitation of a juvenile patient with hereditary ectodermal dysplasia – a case report. Dental Forum. 2013;XLI(2):93–97.

Ectodermal dysplasia is the term used to describe a large and heterogenic group of congenital disorders. Ectodermal dysplasia affects at least two ectoderm-derived structures. The dental abnormalities associated with ectodermal dysplasia are hipodontia, oligodontia and even anodontia. Aim of the study. The authors describe a clinical case of 5-year-old boy with hereditary hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia. Materials and methods. The first stage in the clinical treatment of a young patient affected by ectodermal dysplasia is presented. Complete dentures were made. Conclusion. Early prosthetic rehabilitation of juvenile patients with ectodermal dysplasia is a very complex problem. Early rehabilitation and an interdisciplinary approach are essential for successful treatment.

Key words: Ectodermal Dysplasia, hipodontia, anodontia, early prosthetic treatment.

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