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Dental fluorosis after a kidney transplant – a case report

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Małgorzata Gołąbek, Marzena Dąbrowska, Anna Surdacka

2/2016/XLIV s. 95–100
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Fraza do cytowania: Gołąbek M., Dąbrowska M., Surdacka A. Dental fluorosis after a kidney transplant – a case report. Dental Forum. 2016;XLIV(2):95–100. DOI:

Dental fluorosis is a developmental disorder caused by the excessive intake of fluoride during odontogenesis. The symptoms of the disease are observed in the tooth enamel, bones and tendons. The disorder develops due to the concentration of fluoride being too high in drinking water and food. It is the most well-known type of diffuse opacity of systemic origin. The clinical picture depends on the dose, duration of exposure and patient’s age. The article contains a case report of a 22-year old patient with oral symptoms of fluorosis after a kidney transplant. Chalk white and brown spots were found on all surfaces of the crowns within maxillary and mandibular teeth. Moreover, numerous enamel defects, which manifest themselves as irregular pits and grooves on the buccal surfaces of teeth and are characteristic of heavy fluorosis, were observed.

Key words: dental fluorosis, fluoride, mottled enamel, kidney transplant.

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