DOI: Fraza do cytowania: Czechowska E., Kuras M., Sokalski J. Evaluation of changes in the concentrations of selected acute phase proteins after tooth socket augmentation with the R.T.R. bone grafting material. Dental Forum. 2017;XLV(2):11–20. DOI: Introduction. Socket augmentation with synthetic biomaterials performed immediately after tooth extraction significantly reduces the resorption of the alveolar process whose adequate quality and quantity allows the use of intraosseous implants for rehabilitation of the masticatory system. Implanting synthetic bone grafting material into the human body may cause homeostasis disorders which are manifested by changes in the concentrations of the constituent components of plasma referred to as acute phase proteins (APP).
Aim. The study attempted to evaluate the quantitative changes of acute phase proteins following tooth extraction and tooth socket augmentation with the RTR bone grafting material Septodont.
Material and Methods. Forty patients of both sexes, aged 22 to 56, entered the study. Their average age was 32. The qualifying criteria for patients to enter the study were the presence of a tooth to be extracted and good general health. Tooth extraction and the application of the RTR bone grafting material into the socket was performed under local anaesthesia. The evaluation of selected acute phase protein concentrations was performed by rocket immunoelectrophoresis according to Laurell. The concentrations of the C — reactive (CRP), α2 — macroglobulin (L2M), α1 — antitrypsin (AT), transferring (Tf), ceruloplasmin (Cp) and haptoglobin (Hp) proteins were evaluated.
Results. The results obtained suggest that the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of acute phase proteins may be useful for monitoring inflammatory complications following tooth extraction and tooth socket augmentation with RTR bone grafting material.
Conclusions. Based on the results obtained the authors concluded that single tooth extraction and tooth socket augmentation pose a minor trauma to a body, which was shown by slight concentration changes of acute phase proteins. The most visible changes in the concentrations were obtained for the C-reactive protein. Significant differences in CRP concentrations, beyond the norm, occurred in cases of complications: submucosal abscesses and the resorption of implanted material.
Key words: acute phase proteins, tooth extraction, augmentation, biomaterials.
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