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Human papillomavirus in oral pathology — a literature review

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Dominik Radzki, Karolina Baiduk, Martyna Burzyńska, Anhelina Lisai, Katarzyna Machut, Aleksandra Pańszczyk, Mariusz Bochniak, Aida Kusiak

1/2018/XLVI s. 67–74
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Fraza do cytowania: Radzki D., Baiduk K., Burzyńska M., Lisai A., Pańszczyk K.M., Bochniak M., Kusiak A. Human papillomavirus in oral pathology — a literature review. Dental Forum. 2018;XLVI(1):67–74. DOI:

The role of human papillomavirus (HPV) in oral and oropharyngeal pathology is incontestable. It becomes the predominant factor of cancers in these areas, related inter alia to changes in sexual behaviour. HPV is one of the most frequent sexually‑transmitted infections and it causes approximately 5% of all cancers worldwide. HPV‑infection risk factors include: young age, male sex, immunodeficiency in the course of AIDS and immunosuppression, tobacco smoking, drinking alcohol, marijuna use, a low‑vegetable and antioxidant diet, long‑term use of oral contraceptives, low socioeconomic status, early age of sexual debut, polygamy and the character of sexual intercourses (oro‑genital, oro‑anal). Human papillomaviruses sometimes cause mild clinical lesions, such as: squamous cell papilloma, oral verruca vulgaris, focal epithelial hyperplasia (Heck’s disease) and verruca genitalis. There are also a number of publications about the relation between HPV infection and precancerous lesions, including oral lichen planus, leukoplakia (and proliferative verrucous leukoplakia), Bowen’s disease, erythroplakia, as well as malignant tumours — squamous cell carcinoma and its subtype verrucous carcinoma. The human papillomavirus is the most socially underestimated venereal virus, especially in reference to oral pathology. It becomes a serious public healthissue, which requires sexual education and broadly defined prevention. Dentists may play an important role in this process since they are often physicians first contacted — or even the only ones contacted — by patients throughout a long period of time. 

Key words: Human papillomavirus, oral disease HPV‑related.

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