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Evaluation of clinical efficacy of Dentofresh® Mouthrinse

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Tomasz Konopka, Dariusz Chrzęszczyk, Łukasz Zawada

1/2013/XLI s. 27–32
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Fraza do cytowania: Konopka T., Chrzęszczyk D., Zawada Ł. Evaluation of clinical efficacy of Dentofresh® Mouthrinse. Dental Forum. 2013;XLI(1):27–32.

Introduction. The role of antiseptics used today in chemical supragingival plaque control is inhibiting its formation and an independent anti-inflammatory effect. Aim of the study. Clinical evaluation of Dentofresh® mouthwash used as a supplement to tooth cleaning during the treatment of gingivitis in adults. Material and methods. The study included 76 patients with gingivitis aged 18 to 50. Patients were divided at random into 3 groups: Group one – 26 people who had oral hygiene instruction performed and were recommended to brush two times a day with the triclosan toothpaste and rinse two times a day for 1 min each time with Dentofresh mouthwash for a period of 4 weeks; Group two – 25 people who had oral hygiene instruction performed and were recommended to brush three times a day with the triclosan toothpaste; Group three (control) – 25 people during conservative treatment: no change of behavior in the oral hygiene (brushing frequency was recorded and the type of paste). This study evaluated: the effectiveness of tooth brushing using PCR by O'Leary index, interdental cleaning efficiency using the API index by Lange et al., the extent of gingival inflammation with BoP index by Ainamo and Bay, the intensity of gingival inflammation by means of PBI index by Saxera and Mühlemanna, presence of plaque using an index CI by Ennevera, breadth and intensity of teeth staining using the DI index by Loebena and all side effects of therapy. The survey was conducted four times: survey 0 – before the randomization of patients into three groups, survey 1–2 weeks after the implementation of preventive and therapeutic action in group I and II, survey 2–4 weeks after the implementation of preventive and therapeutic action in group I and II – the day of termination of antiseptic rinsing in group I, survey 3–8 weeks after randomization. Conclusions. As the Dentofresh mouthrinse meets the requirements set for plaque inhibitors and has an anti-inflammatory effect, it can be used as a supplement to gingival inflammation therapy. In specific clinical situations it may also broaden the preventive and therapeutic scope of proper brushing and interdental cleaning. After four weeks of using Dentofresh no local adverse effects were recorded.

Key words: supragingival plaque, chemical control, plaque inhibitory agents, antigingivitis agents.

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