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The significance of selected anatomical details of maxillary sinuses in dental treatment planning – a literature review

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Katarzyna Marszał

1/2013/XLI s. 69–74
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Fraza do cytowania: Marszał K. The significance of selected anatomical details of maxillary sinuses in dental treatment planning – a literature review. Dental Forum. 2013;XLI(1):69–74.

This review paper describes research found in published literature on selected anatomical details of maxillary sinuses with a major focus on alveolar recess and its implications in current medical practice. It ilustrates possible complications of dental procedures, both surgical and endodontal, and focuses the reader’s attention on the latest capabilities in imaging the maxillary periodontal region and sinus. The aim of this paper was to demonstrate how differing views on the structure of the maxillary sinus emerged over the years as a result of new diagnostic and imagining modalities, which allow for more precice treatment planning. Article utilizes the PubMed database and The Polish Medical Bibliography using the following key words: maxillary sinus anatomy, septae, volume, imagining, CBCT, complications, sex, age. Out of several thousand queries a few dozen were selected basen on statistical significance research in the period from 1993–2011. The results demonstrate considerable progress of knowledge in the area of maxillary sinus anatomy as a result of new imaging modalities and underscore the importance of certain details in light of dental implant treatment developments as well as possible complications of untreated or improperly treated infected dentition.

Key words: maxillary sinus, anatomy, alveolar recess, complications.

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