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Titanium – its properties and application in prosthetic dentistry

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Bożena Jedynak, Elżbieta Mierzwińska-Nastalska

1/2013/XLI s. 75–78
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Fraza do cytowania: Jedynak B., Mierzwińska-Nastalska E. Titanium – its properties and application in prosthetic dentistry. Dental Forum. 2013;XLI(1):75–78.

This paper presents the advantageous properties of titanium and its alloys as biomaterials for use in dentistry. The article emphasises that the most important features of titanium, i.e. biocompatibility and corrosion resistance, make it the best building metal material for endosteal implants. Favourable physicochemical and mechanical properties make it possible to use titanium and its alloys in conventional prosthetics and implant prosthetics (especially for the construction of mesostructures and suprastructures). The advantages which characterize titanium prostheses have been enumerated, such as their mechanical strength, hardness, and durability. The factor which restricts the use of titanium on a large-scale in the manufacturing of dental restorations in modern prosthetics is the still complicated and expensive technology in processing it.

Key words: titanium, titanium alloys, biocompatibility, intraosseous implants.

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