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Extensive orbital damage as a result of maxillary sinus surgery – a case report and literature review

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Krzysztof Osmola, Marian T. Nowaczyk, Doni M. Allecou

1/2013/XLI s. 91–94
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Fraza do cytowania: Osmola K., Nowaczyk M.T., Allecou D.M. Extensive orbital damage as a result of maxillary sinus surgery – a case report and literature review. Dental Forum. 2013;XLI(1):91–94.

Classic and FESS (Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery) surgery of the sinuses are connected with the possibility of surgical complications involving the orbital structures and the eyeball. Most frequently these involve bleeding from the vessels of the orbit and the nasal cavity. A rare and certainly the most serious complication is blindness resulting from damage to the optic nerve. This paper presents a case of postoperative blindness as a result of maxillary sinus surgery complicated by damage to the orbital floor and its inadequate reconstruction.

Słowa kluczowe: blindness, maxillary sinus surgery, orbital floor reconstruction, orbital complications.

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