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Color stability of dental temporary composite materials assessed in vitro

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Ryszard Koczorowski, Kamila Linkowska-Świdzińska, Teodor Świdziński, Igor Khmelinskii, Marek Sikorski

1/2014/XLII s. 11–18
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Fraza do cytowania: Koczorowski R., Linkowska-Świdzińska K., Khmelinskii T.Ś., Sikorski M. Color stability of dental temporary composite materials assessed in vitro. Dental Forum. 2014;XLII(1):11–18.

Aim of the study. The purpose of this study was to evaluate color stability of temporary prosthetic materials to staining drinks, including tea, coffee and blackcurrant juice, and distilled water. Material and methods. Color was assessed using a reflection spectrophotometer according to the CIELAB color scale, using two illuminants: D65 (daylight) and A (incandescent bulb). Results. Luxatemp, Dentalon plus, Structur 2 SC, Protemp II, and Zhermacryl STC exhibited poor color stability, becoming generally darker (∆L < 0) and yellowier (∆b* > 0), with Luxatemp and Dentalon plus being less prone to discoloration than the others. Conclusions. Temporary prosthetic materials may suffer strong discoloration (∆E > 6.0) upon prolonged exposure to potentially staining beverages, and some of them even upon soaking in distilled water.

Key words: Colour stability, Dental materials, Prosthetic materials, Staining beverages; pH effect; Illuminant effect.

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