Fraza do cytowania: Andruch K. The clinical significance of two-level PVT Periotest® measurements – in vivo endosteal implant stability study. Dental Forum. 2014;XLII(1):19–25. Introduction. A number of investigations was published with different clinical and scientific approach to Periotest® and Ostell® measurements in the last decade. Attempts were made to assess Ostell® and Periotest® prognostic measurement values in terms of the success of implant treatment as one value or threshold level measurement.
Aim of the study. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical usefulness of PTV measurements as a method of secondary implant stability and the quality of implant bone zone assessment.
Material and methods. Thirty two implant fixtures of five different systems were evaluated during prosthetic phase after second stage surgery. The study was conducted using Periotest® (Siemens AG, Benshein, Germany). The following parameters were taken into account: location of an implant in lower or upper dental arch, selection of located supragingivally and occlusally abutment measurement points and length with diameter of the implant body. Abutment measurement points were chosen in two distant clinically accessible locations: on the occlusal free end margin and on the most gingival accessible surface of the connected abutment.
Results. The lowest and highest measured PTV value were -8 and +8. The average of differences between gingivally and occlusally measured PTV values for maxilla and mandible was 2.95 ± 1.6 and 3.33 ± 2.0 respectively.
Conclusions. The use of PTV Periotest® measurements in two extremely distant points on the implant abutment is clinically objective, non-invasive method of assessing implant bone zone quality before functional load. Smaller calculated PTV difference can predict better prognosis for occlusal load planning protocol.
Key words: Periotest®, PTV measurement, implants stabilization.
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