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Evaluation of occlusal contacts in patients with single tooth loss – preliminary report

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Andrzej Gala, Małgorzata Pihut, Grażyna Wiśniewska, Szymon Majewski

1/2014/XLII s. 37–41
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Fraza do cytowania: Gala A., Pihut M., Wiśniewska G., Majewski S. Evaluation of occlusal contacts in patients with single tooth loss – preliminary report. Dental Forum. 2014;XLII(1):37–41.

Aim of the study. The aim of the study was to evaluate the distribution of the occlusal contacts in patients with single tooth loss in one or both tooth arches as compared to healthy patients with full dentition. Material and methods. The study was performed in a group of 30 patients aged 24–40, both male and female, who needed prosthetic treatment because of single tooth loss in one or both tooth arches. The control group consisted of 30 healthy patients, aged 21–37, with complete dentition. In both groups temporomandibular disorders were excluded. The evaluation of occlusal contacts distribution was carried out on the basis of the study of occlusion in the centric intercuspation position by means of T-scan II device (Tekscan Inc). Two functions of the relevant software were used: the first being the percentage distribution of the occlusal contacts on the left and right side of tooth arches. The second parameter under analysis was the model function of the tooth arch in 3D, which was used to evaluate the level of occlusal forces in relation to the colour coded scale calibrated for a specific software. The study results were statistically analysed by means of “Statistica” software package. Results. The mean difference quantities in group I (with single tooth loss) were 2.5 times higher than those in the control group. The above results differ in a statistically significant way as the analysis with the use of U Mann Whitney Test pointed out that “p” is smaller than 0.05. The comparison of the two mean quantities indicates a meaningful influence of single tooth loss or clinical crowns damages on the stability and symmetry loss of the occlusal contacts balance. The analysis of the dental arch function (occlusal forces) indicates much higher values of the occlusal contacts marked in red for group I as compared with group II (the control group), which on the basis of the colour scale is to be interpreted as maximal occlusal forces. Conclusion. Single tooth loss has a significant impact on the disbalance distribution of occlusal contacts as well as on the value of masticatory forces.

Key words: occlusion, occlusal forces, occlusion foil, T Scan II.

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