Fraza do cytowania: Rucińska-Grygiel B. Scissors bite – epidemiology, etiology and methods of treatment. Dental Forum. 2014;XLII(1):93–98. The study presents the literature review of the epidemiology, etiology and methods of treatment of the scissors bite. This maloocclusion is recognized when there is no contact between the occlusal surfaces of the posterior teeth in occlusion and when palatal surfaces of the upper teeth contact with buccal surfaces of the lower teeth. The frequency of this malocclusion ranges from 1,8% to 19% and it depends on the study population. The cause of such a malocclusion is a discrepancy between the width of the maxilla and mandible and axial malpositioning of the lateral teeth. This malocclusion is usually accompanied with elongation of the teeth in scissors bite, buccal tipping of the upper teeth and lingual tipping of the lower teeth. In the treatment methods which allow to balance the discrepancy between the width of the bony bases and dental arches and obtain both correct axis and intrusion of the elongated teeth are used. Removable functional appliances, palatal and lingual arches, miniscrews, dragon helix spring, modified orthodontic crown, corticotomy, osteodistraction and appropriate surgery methods are used. The choice of the treatment methods depend on the range and severity of the defects, age, cooperation with the patient and possibile side effects.
Key words: scissors bite, Brodie bite, epidemiology, etiology, methods of treatment.
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