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Multiple periosteal osteomas

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Anna Janas, Piotr Osica

1/2015/XLIII s. 41–44
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Fraza do cytowania: Janas A., Osica P. Multiple periosteal osteomas. Dental Forum. 2015;XLIII(1):41–44.

Introduction. Osteoma is a tumor composed of osseous tissue, but one whose structure is different from the surrounding normal tissue. Endosteal osteomas are situated deeply in the bone and develop from the bone marrow, while periosteal osteomas develop under the periosteum and on the surface of the bone. They occur mainly in adults as single or multiple lesions and grow slowly for many years, deforming the bone. The histological structure includes parts of bone tissues which produce the tumor. Aim. The aim of the study was to perform a retrospective analysis of patients with periosteal osteomas who underwent outpatient treatment. Material and methods. A 15-year clinical observation included 13 patients (5 females and 8 males) treated for multiple periosteal osteomas in the Department of Dental Surgery, Medical University of Lodz. Results. Multiple tumors were situated in the maxilla, on the alveolar process, in 9 patients, and in the internal surface of the body of the mandible in 4 cases. The consistency of the osteomas was compact; they were well separated from the surrounding tissues and connected with the bone. Only 2 of all the treated patients complained of painful symptoms characterized as neuralgic pain. Four periosteal osteomas, 1–1.5 cm in diameter, were observed in 6 patients in the studied material. Three osteomas were found in 5 patients. Two osteomas, which caused painful, neuralgic symptoms were removed in 2 patients.

Key words: periosteal ostomas multiple, tumor, local anesthesia.

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