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Osteoperception in patients with implant-supported dental prostheses – a literature review

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Małgorzata Bielińska, Ryszard Koczorowski

2/2014/XLII s. 51–56
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Fraza do cytowania: Bielińska M., Koczorowski R. Osteoperception in patients with implant-supported dental prostheses – a literature review. Dental Forum. 2014;XLII(2):51–56.

The aim of this paper is a review of the literature on the perception of mechanical stimuli and perceptive transmission in patients after restorations of the masticatory organ with implant-supported dental prostheses. The difference between the perception of external stimuli in the oral cavity with natural teeth and that which occurs in the presence of intraosseous implants results from different neuronal structures and the manner of transmitting those stimuli. The reactions of patients with dental implants to mechanical stimuli and their effect on the motor activity of the stomatognathic system are discussed. Osteoperception is an important yet not completely explained form of response to the loading and movements of the mandible linked to type I, II and III receptors, which continues to interest researchers and practitioners. Sensory and motor control in patients with intraosseous implants enables the natural function of the stomatognathic system due to its physiological and psychophysical intergration with the body.

Key words: osteoperception, somatic feeling, mechanoreceptors, intraosseous implants, sensory and motor control.

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