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Anthropogenic sources of fluorine – the impact on the environment and human health – a literature review

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Anna Stogiera, Jadwiga Buczkowska-Radlińska

2/2014/XLII s. 57–62
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Fraza do cytowania: Stogiera A., Buczkowska-Radlińska J. Anthropogenic sources of fluorine – the impact on the environment and human health – a literature review. Dental Forum. 2014;XLII(2):57–62.

Fluorine is an extremely chemically active element, which has a considerable impact on the entire ecosystem. Its influence may be both beneficial and harmful. This paper describes the biological significance of fluorine. It points out the sources of fluorine in the environment, paying particular attention to the part played by chemical plants producing phosphoric acid and phosphate fertilizers. The article contains the results of selected research, carried out on the area of impact of Zakłady Chemiczne "Police" S.A, concerning the following items: the monitoring of air and rainwater pollution by fluorine compounds, as well as the impact of fluorine and its compounds on plants, animals and human beings. The article also presents the effects posed by excess supply of this element.

Key words: fluorine, fluorine emission, environmental pollution, toxicity, chemical plant.

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