Fraza do cytowania: Wojtaszek‑Słominska A., Kusiak A., Sawicka M., Smierzchalski R., Swistulski D., Dzwonkowski A., Barnert T. Wykorzystanie kamery termowizyjnej nowej generacji do oceny wpływu sił ortodontycznych na dziąsło. Dental Forum. 2015;XLIII(2):43–48. Introduction. One of the most interesting modern methods of assessing microcirculation is thermovisiual examination. Thermovision cameras are commonly used in general medicine. As the periodontium is one of the most vascularized tissues in the human body, the application of high‑sensitivity thermovision cameras may allow for noninvasive assessment and early detection of pathological changes in the gingiva by giving a complete picture of the situation.
Aim. The aim of the study was to assess hemodynamic changes in the gingiva during orthodontic treatment with the use of a new‑generation thermal imaging camera.
Material and methods. Three patients aged 10 to 13 years under orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances were studied. The thermographic examination with a high‑sensitivity X6580sc camera concerned upper incisors with clinically healthy periodontium.
Results. Based on the examination and data analysis it was observed that in measurements taken after about 5 minutes from initial examination there were no changes in the mean temperature value. However after about 20 minutes the change in the mean temperature value was 1.5°C which may indivate hemodynamic changes in the gingiva.
Conclusion. The thermographic examination revealed changes in the blood flow in the gingiva after application of orthodontic force. Using this method of examination may help monitor transitional inflammation processes in the gingiva during a therapy with fixed appliances.
Słowa kluczowe: termography, orthodontic treatment, blood flow in gingiva.
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