Fraza do cytowania: Jaroszuk-Rogal M., Ilków A., Szymczyk M., Ożóg M., Kasperski J. The estimation of saliva substitute preparation Biotene by patients with oral mucosa dryness. Dental Forum. 2015;XLIII(2):63–66. Among the many oral diseases, mucous membrane dryness significantly affect the quality of patients’ life and it appears to be a difficult problem for treating. Depending on the degree of reduction in amount of saliva there are different symptoms. Undertaken treatment depends on the etiology of dryness. There are treatments to stimulate the secretion of saliva or symptomatic by applying artificial saliva preparations. The aim of this study was to assess the preparation of saliva substitute “Biotene” for patients experiencing dry mouth with a reduced secretion of saliva at rest. For the purpose of work has been done survey consisting of open and closed questions. The study included 29 women and 15 men aged from 45 to 84 years. In the surveys patients reported symptoms of dry mouth. All the selected patients received the samples of preparation “Biotene” for use during the week as needed. After a week examined completed the second part of the questionnaire, assessing preparation. The time of effective working of this preparation 41% people rated below 0.5 hour. Taste was evaluated at 3 points by 36% of patients, and the consistency at 5 by 34% on a scale of 1–5. Suggested by the manufacturer kind of taste was confirmed by 52% of respondents, 54.5% of patients did not know whether they will continue this therapy using Biotene product in the future. Low score motioned parameters and unwillingness to continue using Biotene product may be used to improve product quality.
Key words: saliva substitute, kserostomia, Biotene.
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