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Analysis of occlusion disorders in children from the district of Koło

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Agnieszka Sikorska, Kornela Cieślik, Teresa Matthews-Brzozowska

1/2017/XLV s. 27–34
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Fraza do cytowania: Sikorska A., Cieślik K., Matthews-Brzozowska T. Analysis of occlusion disorders in children from the district of Koło. Dental Forum. 2017;XLV(1):27–34. DOI:

Introduction. In Poland, the incidence of malocclusions among children and adolescents is high and varies from 36.7% to 79%. This means malocclusions are one of the most common diseases which indicates the gravity of the problem, given that among teenages it is becoming a more and more noticeable disturbance resulting in a need for orthodontic visits in order to achieve a better self acceptance and also improve the self‑esteem. Aim. The aim was to analyse the prevalence of occlusal disorders according to Angle’s classification as well as dental anomalies in children of 12 and 13 years old in the region of eastern Wielkopolska. Material end methods. The study involved 76 children of both sexes aged 12 and 13 attending one of the schools in the Koło district. These 12 and 13 years olds were placed into two groups of 37 and 39 children respectively and were examined in respect of the occurrence of malocclusion; as well as teeth abnormalities such as ectopic position, transposition, retrusion, protrusion, mesioinclination, distoinclination, palatoposition, westibuloposition, rotation, reinclusion, teeth impaction, delayed eruption, and the presence or absence of crowding in the anterior region separately for upper and lower dental arches, along with disorders based on Angle’s classification. Results. Correct occlusion within normal limits was only found in 18.9% of cases, while in the other 81.1% irregularities were reported. In the group of 37 12-years‑old children distocclusion had the highest prevalence of 70.3%, of which 88.9% relate to 16 girls, while 52.6% relate to 10 boys. In respect of frequency, the second group of malocclusions were vertical defects – 29.7%, found in 5 girls (27.8%) and 6 boys (31.6%); and the third group were transversal defects – 13.5%, found in 3 girls (16.7%) and 2 boys (10.5%) respectively. Conclusions. The prevalence of malocclusions in 12 to 13-year old schoolchildren in the region of eastern Wielkopolska was high among the majority in 12 year‑old children.

Key words: malocclusion, dental abnormalities, class Angle, children.

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