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Dental health‑promoting behavior in 5 year‑old children — questionnaire study of parents

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Renata Śniatała, Karolina Gerreth, Dominika Wychowaniec, Maria Borysewicz‑Lewicka

2/2018/XLVI s. 157–163
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Fraza do cytowania: Śniatała R., Gerreth K., Wychowaniec D., Borysewicz‑Lewicka M. Dental health‑promoting behavior in 5 year‑old children — questionnaire study of parents. Dental Forum. 2018;XLVI(2):157–163. DOI:

Introduction. Hygiene habits promoted by parents are extremely important factors influencing the health of children. Therefore, their periodic assessment as well as parents' education, including dental problems, are significant elements in shaping health‑promoting behavior. Aim. The aim of the study was to evaluate the dental health behavior of children aged 5 years attending public and non‑public kindergartens in the city of Poznan, on the basis of a questionnaire survey of their parents. Material and methods. A questionnaire study was carried out for 403 parents of 5-year‑old pre‑school children, with the use of a form containing single- and multiple‑choice questions concerning health‑promoting behavior. Results. The vast majority (70.97%) of the patients confirmed that their children brushed their teeth twice a day. However, more than half of the parents did not participate actively in this procedure (57.82% of caregivers give verbal instructions, and 45.41% only demonstrate the brushing method). The respondents declaired that in 85.61% of the children toothpaste with fluoride content was used. A relatively low percentage of the parents (35.24%) considered that children should have their first dental visit at the age of 2 years, and check‑up visits every six months. Conclusions. The research has shown that the education of caregivers of five‑year‑old children from kindergartens in Poznan is necessary in order to shape appropriate health‑promoting behavior. The role of the dentist is emphasized in this process.

Key words: pre‑school children, dental health‑promoting behavior.

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